Friday, December 26, 2008



Laura Lee said...

I've been waiting for this review!

Twilight will probably end up being a rental for me. Well, probably someone else's rental and I happen to be at their house when they watch it.

Gentry Tolton said...

I like it ok. i would give it a matinee rating too. You need to get chicks to rate as well. That movie is a chick flick. Edward was not hot enough. He wasn't good enough. I thought that it was pretty good.

Unknown said...

Nice shirt, Cameron!!
Couldn't pay attention to the movie review because the shirt was outrageous!!! Still haven't seen the movie....rental(after I read it).

Twitchy Insomniac said...

I'll admit, I used to be a self-proclaimed 'Twihard' myself, but have gotten over it. I agree with you about the movie, though-it sucked. Really, really badly. I especially liked the part after Bella walks into her science class the first time and Edward starts spazzing like he's going to puke. Oh, and I love your shirt. Priceless.

Greg said...

"secretly blushing"??
ba-hahaha!! what a mo!!