Thursday, January 8, 2009

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button


Maria said...

Interesting movie, but I vote matinee as well. I will be pissed if this movie wins Oscars.

Anonymous said...

Funny that everyone I talk to compares this movie to Forrest Gump....although I was thinking the same thing. I would definately have to go with John on this one. I think it's one that anyone would feel that they got their money's worth at full price!! One of the best movies I've seen in YEARS! Will definately win an oscar, if not more than one. Brad Pitt did an excellent job. 3 hours didn't seem like 3 hours, as I was completely engaged the entire time.
Just want to add....
It wasn't that she wasn't interested in him... She loved him no matter what he looked like....they were just in different places in their lives.
About his CONDITION? How exactly would you like them to describe a condition that doesn't exist?

I was COMPLETELY entertained the entire time, and it will be a part of my collection!