Thursday, February 12, 2009

Push (PG-13)


Rhett said...

Push had huge plot holes that were much worse than the super power issues. What the H happened to Dakota's mom?

Craig Barlow B. said...

Matinee? No way. The show had a lot of potential, but no one seemed to think through how everything was supposed to fit together. Like, how in the world the protagonist predicted everything, even though he didn't have that specific power. Not to mention, when the whole story hinges on the fact that a Chinese guy is blown out of a window, lands on a car, causing the trunk to pop open so the protagonist locked inside can save the day, that is way too far for me. I laughed out loud.
And every time I was forced to watch a Bleeder scream for what felt like hours I wanted to beat him to death.

Cameron's Corner said...

I was thinking the same thing. So the "mover" can move the clasp in the cuffs to remove them, but can't move the trunk lock clasp to free himself?